Monday, January 9, 2012

Tom Venuto's Secrets To Burn The Fat And Feed The Muscle Is For You!

Tom Venuto's Secrets To Burn The Fat And Feed The Muscles Is For You!      

January may be peak season for weight loss enthusiasm, but it's
not the peak season for weight loss success. Most resolutions
last until about Super Bowl Sunday (if you're lucky).

Some people think he's crazy, but fat loss expert and
natural bodybuilder Tom Venuto says the peak time for
burning fat is over the holidays - across Thanksgiving,
Christmas and New Year's.

Is it crazy... or is it genius?

Tom says, "If you truly want something, why would you
ever wait?"

"There isn't a peak season for obesity or fat loss success - it's
challenging to stay fit all year long - especially if you
don't have a proven plan and a motivation, reward and
accountability system to hold you your plan" he continued.  
Other links to help lose obesity are:

What is Tom's solution?

First: live by the motto "Do It Now."

Second, to give you everything you need to succeed - all
at the same time - a "perfect storm" for fat loss success

* A proven program
* Motivation
* Rewards
* Accountability
* Group support
* Expert coaching and mentoring

Tom's fat loss program, Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle, has
been the top online fat loss nutrition plan for almost
10 years, and the origins of the program actually go back
for decades.

The motivation level right now is off the charts because Tom
is issuing his annual "49-day Holiday Fitness challenge":
a 49-day body transformation contest.

You can accept the challenge just for personal motivation or you
can do it for the rewards:

The winners of the 49-day challenge receive an all expenses paid
vacation to Maui (and imagine hitting those tropical beaches in
TOP shape!).

Accountability is built-in because of the weekly progress
charting system and the place to post your results: In Tom's
inner circle support forum.

There, you won't be alone because there are thousands of like-minded
people on the same journey. It's a private support group and
there's no judgement.

And, believe it or not, Tom is there at the inner circle every day
as well, to coach you and answer your questions.

Learn more ===>

For even more motivation and more incentive, Tom is also giving
away his entire collection of fat-burning, muscle-feeding recipes
as a bonus for jumping in on this holiday challenge special.

He insists that you do NOT have to deprive yourself over the
holidays.  Most people have at least 3-5 special days, parties
or meals during this season ... and with Tom's program, you're
totally allowed to enjoy the holiday food and festivities.

Learn more ===>

Most people think the timing of this is unconventional, if not
outright crazy. But is it really?

Could it be that waiting "until the time is just right?"...
and making resolutions every January... that never last...
is what's really crazy?
Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle Program Is One of The Best Selling Fat loss program online for ten years1

If You Desire Earnestly To Be Agile, Flexible, Look Handsome This Program is For You!
The information given below would be worth your while to absorb And Act.
It seems, as it surely did to the thousands and thousands
of others who have accepted the challenge in previous years,
that this is actually not crazy at all, but a brilliant way
for you to get a head start on the new year and  come out
of the holidays in better shape than you went in.

If that sounds good, then you can "accept the challenge"
or learn more at Tom's  Burn the Fat And Lose The Website:

Q: How quickly can I lose weight on your program?   This is not a weight loss program, it's a fat loss program. You can expect to lose about 2 pounds per week of PURE FAT, without losing muscle. You’ll know it's pure fat because you’ll learn how to test your body fat level. If you're very heavy, then 1% of your body weight per week (2.5 to 3 lbs if you're 250 to 300 lbs) is realistic and safe. Extra weight loss is common the first week or two, but that’s usually water weight.
Q: Is this a low carb diet? It's better than low carb - it's "carb customized." You'll learn to identify your body type and see whether you're carb tolerant or intolerant. Then you personalize your carb intake to suit your your metabolism. If you want to get "6-pack abs" or "competition" lean, you can use the advanced "carb cycling method, the easiest and most effective way to do a low carb diet (bodybuilding and figure competitors have been using this tactic for years).

Learn more at:=====>

P.S. The Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle program has been one of the
best selling fat loss programs online for 10 years, so it's sure
to be around for years to come. But get the fat burning recipes book too.
Tom Venuto’s Burn The Fat & Lose The Weight Website Is Online From 2002.
So don't miss out - be sure to go ORDER today: It’s  $39.95 Only.

 Order Here Now:====>